The next installment of the epic science fiction graphic novel series
Latest Updates from Our Project:
SUPER UPDATE! Special Edition reveal, stretch goals and whats that?! We're funded! Damn right we are :)
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 10:22:25 AM
Feast your eyes on Andrew Morris's stunning Special edition Cover for Arks Issue Two.
And some stretch goals... because we are funded :)
Arks Issue Two: Special Edition Cover
And here are some stretch goals. We have some cool s**t to show you- Help us spread the word about the comic and we'll reveal all.
Oh, and we're funded. For the second time in 10 months. Thank you very much for backing this project.
It's a dream come true for us at Clicky W and you have helped make it possible. You are awesome!
Our second review is Spectacular, Jaw Dropping. A must read :)
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 01:35:41 AM
55% funded with 55 backers! The omens are good!
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 12:01:43 AM
Hi all
Thank you all so much for a great start. As I'm writing this we are 55% percent funded in 14 hours.
Whhhatttt ?!!
And we can announce that we will be exhibitors at this year's Thought Bubble- the UK's largest comic festival in Harrogate Yorkshire. With the covid rollover from 2020 we knew there'd be alot of competition for spaces so we are thrilled that we got in.