
ARKS // Action Sci-fi Horror Comic // ISSUE #2

Created by Clicky Sprout Wife

The next installment of the epic science fiction graphic novel series

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 3 years ago – Wed, Sep 08, 2021 at 11:07:25 AM

Hi all

Principle art on Arks Issue Two is complete!

We're incredibly excited to show it to you all. We have a few finishing touches to make in the coming weeks then we'll be sending it off for a proof! In the meantime, we'll be sending you Backerkit surveys this weekend. The sooner you fill out for your dets the sooner we can get the comic in your hand.

Publishing two GFX novels in one year... Wowee.

Thank you all for your support. 

Clicky W

Recommended Project


This computer game project is a work of genius! I could cram 20 superlatives into the next sentence but to put it simply it Black Lazar was written, illustrated, coded and scored by just one guy. 

It is an absolute gem and we desperately want them to achieve their goal so they can port the game to PC and we can play it on a bigger screen :]

Back it here.

Back it here.

over 3 years ago – Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 12:47:53 AM





  • Andrew Morris's amazing art will be completed in the next month
  • Post-production on lettering/dialogue/colour tweaks from me in September
  • Off to the printers in October
  • Ready for delivery to you all in November!

The comic is looking fantastic- we're extremely excited to share it with you all!

Thanks guys!

Clicky W

The deepest depths of production
over 3 years ago – Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 11:18:51 AM

Hello everyone!

We know it's been a while, but we just wanted to drop a quick line as to what we've been up to since our last update, especially since issue two is coming together nicely...

  • We're well on track for November delivery.  
  • Issue Three storyboards are nearly complete (whhaaattt?, yup!)
  • Plans are afoot for our new website
  • We're gearing up for Thought Bubble UK and are planning on more cons in the UK and maybe even the US & Canada in 2022+  In fact if any of you have any recommendations we'd love to hear it as we are comic con virgins ;)

We'll def try and be a bit more chatty over the coming months, at the moment, we're right in the thick of it! More soon!

Thanks guys

Clicky W 

Running Kickstarters causes time seepage
almost 4 years ago – Tue, May 18, 2021 at 01:07:34 AM

Hello all

I've just been reminded that the Kickstarter ended 10 days ago- whhaatttttttt?!

Thank you all again for pledging- Andrew M is currently neck-deep in Issue Two and I have begun the storyboard for Issue Three and Four which is absolutely nuts! 

Speaking of Issue Three the pre-launch page will be going up soonish. Expect an update about that August time.  In the meantime, here's a tease...

Our plan is to launch the Next KS in February 2022 (jeez that sounds futuristic), but that might come forward to late this year depending on the universe/covid/life etc 

Construction has begun on the life-sized spaceship

Another very talented Morris has begun work on the E.S.L.R, the spaceship in our story that transports a gram of bacteria across the heavens. This will be coming with us to Thought Bubble in November. MatteMakes have been a dream to work with and if you are thinking of having any model making/miniature work done I cannot recommend them enough!

And now for some obligatory KS admin

For those of you who pledged for sneak peeks you can expect them the first weekend of every month.

Backerkit surveys will go out in early September when the comic's artwork is being finalized. 

In the meantime chill the-F-out because you have given a small indie team the means to make an incredible comic and that makes you a mensch!


Clicky W

almost 4 years ago – Fri, May 07, 2021 at 03:24:34 PM

What a final day! 

Our second Kickstarter in 10 months has been fully funded* 

Expect some follow-up updates from us in the coming days and weeks with the obligatory Kickstarter stuff.

For now, we'll give you a break from the dream-come-true spam and just say thank you.

Really truly thank you.

ARKS Issue Two is going to be a special comic and you have all played a part in its creation.

Thanks again

Clicky W

* -and f*****g then some!?!